Wednesday, March 15, 2017

All You Need To Know About Horses

Howdy everybody! I will now talk about horses. By the end of this blogpost, you will know all you need to know about horses.
Horse Family Fact: There are 4 main gaits for a horse: Walk, Trot (or for some horses it is a fast walk), Canter, & Gallop. 

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Different gaits for a horse (There is a typo in the picture. The third gait is a Canter not a Canker) :D

 Horse Family Fact: The mare is the mother, the stallion is the father, and the foal is the baby. If the foal is a male, it is a colt, if it is a female, it is a filly. They become Stallion or Mare at 3 years of age. 

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Horse Family: Mare (mother horse), Stallion (father horse), foal (baby horse). 

I will split this blogpost up into 4 main groups:
  1. The Light Horses
  2. The Heavy Horses
  3. The Pony & Miniature
  4. The Feral [fer-ul] Horses
I will talk about all these, but let's start with the Light Horses. You might ask, "Why are they called 'Light Horses'?" And the answer is: they are lighter than the Heavy Horses and they almost NEVER do work. When they do, it is very light work. These horses are mostly show horses.They include Tennessee Walker, Quarter, Appaloosa, Arabian, Thoroughbred, &C &C. The Thoroughbreds are racing horses, and the Tennessee Walkers are show horses. The Quarter horse is also a race horse, and it shouldn't come as a surprise that they run 1/4-mile races.
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Fun Fact #1
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Fun Fact #2

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Fun Fact #3
                  See, these guys know how to be friendly, too ;)
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Quarter Horse
The Appaloosa is a spotted horse and they're show horses...Image result for light horses
Appaloosa Horse

Next, I will talk about the heavy horses... now that you know what a light horse is, you should easily be able to to define what a heavy horse is. This group includes: Belgian Draft, Gypsy Vanner, Shire, Clydesdale, the Percheron, and others. These horses were used to plow before we had tractors, but now, they help with other work. 

Horse Family Fact: Shire horses are actually a type of Gypsy Vanner
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Gypsy Vanner Horse

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Clydesdale Horse
Some of these, like the Clydesdale, are used in parades. The Percheron was used in the French Army, but they started getting killed off too fast, so they were moved to pulling ambulances.
The third group: the Pony and Miniature, is next. The Pony is smaller than a horse, while the Minis are tiny horses.

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Welsh Mountain and Cob pony mix
The ponies are stubborn creatures, and do things most unexpected. There are a few different kinds of ponies: American Shetland, Asturcon, Bosnian, Camargue, Connemara, Dales, Dartmoor, Dulmen, Eriskay, Esperia, Exmoor, Fell, Galiceno, Garrono, Giara, Hackney, Highland, Karachan, Kerry Bog, Losino, Navarra, New Forest, North Iberian, POA (Pony of the America’s), Quarter Pony, Shetland, Sport Pony, Welsh Mountain, Welsh, Welsh Pony and Cob…&c, &c.
For the Minis, they have the Refined Arab look that looks like an Arab horse, except more refined, and the Stocky Quarter horse look that looks like a Stocky Quarter Horse's 3 ft. baby! The Minis come in all different colors: sorrel, bay, roan, appaloosa, pinto, palomino, and sometimes they can be silver, (but silver isn't a common color for them). The smallest of the Minis is the Falabella... this Mini stands only 7 hands high at the withers (each hand being 4 cm approx.)! The Falabella colors are Bay, Brown, Black, Pinto Palomino, &c&c... They also can be spotted like the Appaloosa, but these aren't common.

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Fun Fact #4

Last but not least, there are the Feral horses.This group includes donkeys, zebras, wild horses, mules, hinnies, and others, but we'll just be talking about the ones I mentioned. A mule is  cross between a male donkey and a female horse. As you can gather from the saying: "Stubborn as a one-eyed mule", they are very stubborn.

                                     Image result for stubborn mule clipart

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 The zebra is a very pretty animal, but few have been tamed to pull carriages, and still more few have been tamed to be ridden.
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Wow, you're a good guesser!!! That's a zebra:)

The donkey or ass is a domesticated horse and has been used for work for over 5,000 years!!!
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Yes, this is a donkey

And last but not least, there are the wild horses such as Mustangs. But they are just horses that are not domesticated. There have been few that are tamed. There is nothing extra special about them save they are wild horses.
Well, there you are! Now you know about all the 4 main types of horses!!!
Lynnae made this video to go along with this: 
Beware: It doesn't follow exactly word for word what I said above!!!:)

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